Saturday, February 5, 2011


Do I have your interest now? :) This is where I was last weekend. It was amazing. Tuesday of last week I got a message from a mom that said "we're going to the beach this weekend, we want to you to come, but we can't provide transportation." We found transportation enough for 14 of us teachers to go! This is the story. One of my students Isa, who I absolutely adore, her mom's family owns property on the Pacific. Isa's great-grandpa bought this land 50 years a go, and everyone thought he was crazy. The mom, Marcela, tells stories of going there as a young girl and her grandpa would make up stories of an octopus guarding a hidden treasure and they would even find jewels on the beach
:) it was their magical get-a-way! The grandpa loves animals so there are deer, macaws, peacocks, crocodiles, etc on the land. As his kids got older and their kids got older they started building more homes for lodging. Now there are 8 or so houses and then a big pool, kitchen, dining, hang out area. It is a peninsula with a boardwalk around it and from it you can watch beautiful sunsets!
We spent the day reading, walking the beach, playing with the kids and just loving life. The food was AMAZING! We probably gained about 10 lbs. And on Monday we all were depressed and wanted to be back. We are truly truly thankful for such a great weekend and parents and families that bless us and allow for such a relaxing weekend! Check facebook for more pictures!
So some of you who read my blog last year might remember that our school is well, not good at sports. Our varsity boys soccer team qualified for the playoffs! They beat our rival school in a penalty shoot out! Super exciting! Next month they will travel to San Pedro to play in the country wide tournament! We are proud!
It is weird to read about all the crazy blizzards going on in the States. It has been in the 80's here! We are loving it! The flowers are blooming, and I am proud so say our flowers are still looking great!
My college roommate Dena lives and works in Egypt. She is okay in Turkey, but pray for her and the situation there. I was talking to my students about it yesterday and with Honduras having the political unrest etc. and if I had to be evacuated to a different country I would have been a mess! I would be thinking about all of them and praying they were ok. I am sure Dena is constantly thinking about and praying for her friends in Egypt. Let's join her in praying!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

December Showers bring January Flowers?!

One of the many things I love about Honduras is 80 degree weather in January. Nice weather meant gardening for us this weekend. Friday after work, my roommate Twana and I walked to a local greenhouse and bought 8 plants and a bag of dirt. Like true gringas we walked to love that everything is in walking distance! Not going to lie I am still a bit sore from carrying that dirt! For about an hour and a half we dug out the bulbs that had been planted in the planter. They were boring, we wanted fun. So here are the plants we pulled out...and Twana using our 'scissors' to attack some of the ridiculous root systems!

And our final product! The houses in the background are what our house looks like. There are 15 of them in our little community that is part of a bigger neighborhood. It is a wonderful safe neighborhood! And now we have flowers to enjoy!

Along with planting flowers a hilight of my week was talking to Steph who taught with me here last year. She is now living in the happiest place in America, Nebraska for those who missed that on ABC, and she is married and doing great. Experiencing life here creates a strong bond, which I am truly thankful for! Most of you just wouldn't know and care that Annelise is dating Fernando, so I am so very thankful for a friend that knows and understands Honduran life! :)

Tomorrow I have Bible Study...I do Bible Study with my roommates and we have the wonderful blessing of working with 7th grade girls. Most of our 7th grade girls have one thing on their mind...BOYS! I tell you folks, these girls are boy crazy! And though they are 12 or 13 they like to act like they are 20. When I was 12 I liked a boy and he liked me, and he would draw me pictures and I would pretend I didn't like him. Or my friends would be "going out" so that meant I had to pass the notes for them and their gifts and they didn't talk to each other! :) Not these have their blackberries so they are in CONSTANT communication. And they are so 'pony' or cheesy or sappy or just wow...but they LOVE each other. They get all these quotes from movies and dedicate them to each is rather entertaining. I just worry about these girls being addicted to the attention of boys, because some of them are developing that. If only God had a blackberry...Pray for us as we work with these beautiful girls that we do LOVE!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

I'm Back

I guess I haven't found the need to blog this school year because it has been well, normal. I go to school, I teach, I do something after school, I come home, I eat, I get some work done and I go to bed. Not too exciting if you ask me. But I guess since I am in a different country it is exciting. :)
If you need me to fill in the holes of June-December send me an email. Otherwise I am not going to fill you in and just go...
This weekend was fantastic. Friday night my roommate, Stacy, and I babysat. Living in the city has allowed for a lot more time with the families, which is a huge blessing. They aren't our families by any means, but it is nice to feel part of a family here. The family that we 'babysat' for has a 3rd grader, Jorge, and a 7th grader, Ana, and a 6 week old, David. There is a special story to this 6 week old. To make a really long story short, the Lezama's cook's sister abandonded her baby and the cook confided in Claudia (the mom) that she didn't know what to do and was going to bring him to an orphanage because she couldn't care for him. Claudia said no way you bring him here, and now they are working on trying to adopt him. The adoption process hit a road-block already so pray that things will work out. Also pray for his little heart. There is a hole in it and one of the valves might need surgery. It amazes me that they are so willing to just open their hearts to this little boy. He is very precious. I was just reading in James where is says take care of the widows and orphans...They are living The Word. I am so blessed to be around such loving people!
My roommate Stacy is also living out that verse. Over Christmas break a dad of a 3rd and 1st grader died suddenly of a brain anreusym. They are a Korean family and the mom doesn't speak English and only a little bit of Spanish. Stacy grew up speaking Korean and still speaks it with her mom and family. So she has been spending time with that family, trying to help them adjust and just support them in this time. Pray for this family. The dad was so sweet and such a good man. And pray for Stacy as tries to support them and care for them.
Back to the weekend...babysitting was just fun. I spend quite a bit of time with this family, so I feel at home in their beautiful home. We made cookies, sang really off key to ridiculous songs, watched a movie and just relaxed in our pj's. That relaxing in our pj's carried over to Saturday...I managed to spend the whole day in pj's. I didn't even do that over Christmas break! I got stuff done, like yard work, just in my pj's and when I was done working, I just put clean pj's on. It was amazing. I read a book, watched 3 episodes of Gilmore girls (my roommates and I are addicted)...We all needed a day like that. Then today I went to church with Claudia, Ana, and Stacy. I go to church almost every week with Claudia and Ana and the rest of the family. We go to a church that is smaller and up by the school. There are a lot of great families from the school there so the fellowship is a blessing. And it is just a fun time with my "Honduran family". Today was also a successful day in the kitchen...pita, hummus and snickerdoodles. A natural trio of course...they were all delicious!
My roommate Twana has a twin sister...her twin sister had a baby today. We got to see her when she was 45 minutes old, via skype and they live in China. Got to love technology.
This week is the end of the quarter. It will be a busy week and the kids will be stressed out and extra whiney :) Good thing I love them! Have I said that I LOVE my job?! I wake up at 5 every morning to get on the bus at 6 and probably only once or twice this year have I thought ugg I don't want to get up and go to school today...and then probably because it was gross weather.
See told life isn't that exciting! But take it for what it is, I love my life!