Friday, June 6, 2008

Melanie and others say I need to blog so thus I begin...
I leave for Spain in about 10 days. I can't even begin to believe that...I am going to Spain. Pretty exciting! I've been emailing a fellow student who will be my roommate for the 3.5 weeks of taking the class. Her name is Blanca which means white. I don't think she is white though because she is Mexican. She lived in Mexico till she was ten so Spanish is her 1st language. Interesting that I will be in Spain rooming with a Mexican. I am excited about that though because she can teach me a lot too!
I miss New Mexico. 3 things I miss the most: the people, the sun (its appeared once since arriving in WA) and my bed. 3 things I don't miss: the wind, the cats, and the half eaten bird that the cats drug in. I've been painting Lance and Jessica's kitchen since arriving home, I'm glad to have something to do! Funny how I feel guilty doing nothing, because I didn't just teach all year and need time to unwind?! I must be Dutch, always have to be doing something!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

so you started... lets hear some more. How was the flight? Meet any strapping young spaniards yet?