Monday, September 7, 2009

Well you won't be hearing from me for a couple weeks. Our school has been shut down due to H1N1. There are no confirmed cases at our school. But there are a lot of kids out with just the flu. There are quite a few schools in the area that have shut down. It isn't an overreaction. There are a lot of people that are sick. So...I am going on an Central American Adventure! The only plan we have is to end up at the Panama Canal! I'm leaving the computer check back in 2 weeks!

1 comment:

Trisha Long said...

I love reading your blog Cara... you bring me right back to Central America with your descriptions of the people and city life. I'm glad you've had opportunities to get off the mountain and experience it all. Got to love being a "gringo" when walking the city streets! Don't you feel like a celebrity?